Stein Hour

Bayerische Brotzeit – A Bavarian Snack

“Stein Hour” from 4 pm until 7 pm in the Biergarten and at our Bar Tuesdays through Fridays

Herzlich Willkommen, a heartfelt welcome to our Bavarian Grill style “Happy Stein Hour”!
We offer a variety of popular Bier Garten dishes to go along with a Stein filled with one of our over 100 German Bier.

In Bavaria, people meet after work with their friends in the Bier Garten or the Gasthaus and talk about the day’s events. Of course, they drink their favorite Bier and enjoy a snack to munch on before dinner. These snacks are specially priced to go with one German Bier or a glass of Wein each.

Stein Hour Menu


A. WE MAKE Frische Wecken for you:

    • Cold Stein Hour Selections

    • Jagdwurst Brez'n

      Jagdwurst Brez'n

      Our traditional Bavarian Vesper combines your freshly baked Pretzel Roll with a flavor that hails from western Austria, Stiglmeier's Tiroler Jagdwurst is a slightly coarse, fully cooked sausage featuring a mild flavor and a hint of garlic.


      Add a Hengestenberg Gurke, a German Pickle $1.75

    • Geräucherte Mettwurst Brez'n

      Geräucherte Mettwurst Brez'n

      Our Mettwurst Teas Sausage spread is a very find ground Salami spread made from Pork and Beef. It owes its distinctive flavor and color from a healthy dusting of smoked Paprika and adds a very special touch to our fresh Pretzel Roll.


    • Echt Bayrisch mit Fleischkäse

      Echt Bayrisch mit Fleischkäse

      Real Bavarian with our authentic Bavarian baked meatloaf on a Classic bread roll. Enjoy with sweet Mustard, hot or cold. Jürgen's first meal when he arrived in Bavaria.

      $ 3.95

    • Brez'n Mit Senfsaat Salami

      Brez'n Mit Senfsaat Salami

      Try our freshly baked Pretzelroll with the Best German Salamis available in Texas - made by Piller's Black Kassel, pictured in the top right is the Mustard seed Salami, we also have the Old forest, on the bottom left and the German Salami on the bottom right.

    • Fischbrötchen


      Marinated Bismarck Herring Fillet on a buttered white onion Roll.

      Bismarckheringsbrötchen vom Münchener Viktualienmarkt - Great for Lent:

      A crisp, buttered sandwich roll with Herring, Onions, and Pickles, goes very well with a freshly drawn Pils from Bitburg or Aying!


    • Handkäse


      Hand cheese on a buttered roll with sliced onions, a soft, golden Cheese from Quark, also called “Harzer” 3.95


B. At our outdoor biergarten you pick and serve yourself:

Frische Mini-Brötchen mit Aufschnitt – Fresh Mini Rolls With Cold Cuts
Just like in a Bavarian Biergarten: Choose and make your own Sandwich

1.  Choose any authentic German hard roll,

Spitzweg, Dunkles Roggen or Zwiebeln  0.65

or the authentic imported Laugenwecke, our baked in Germany Pretzel roll 0.95

2.  Choose and fill it yourself with any chilled 1 oz slice of your choice:

Entenschmalz mit Rostzwiebel 1.75

Emmentaler Swiss Cheese 2.65

Smoked Dutch Gouda 2.65

Champignon Camembert or Brie 2.75

Birkenstock Handkäs mit Musik 2.75

Alderwood Smoked Salmon 2.85

Boiled Pannonia Ham 2.95

Applewood Smoked Chicken Breast 2.95

Stiglmeier roter Pressack 2.65

Stiglmeier weisser Pressack 2.65

Frischer Fleischkäse 2.75

Stiglmeier Bierwurst 2.95

Stiglmeier Schinkenwurst 2.85

Stiglmeier Jagdwurst 2.65

Black Kassel German or Mustard seed Salami 2.85

Black Kassel Old Forest Salami 2.95

Adler Authentic Black Forest Ham 2.95


Or for those who like it hot:

    • Stein Hour Hot

    • Bayerisches Wurst Ragout mit Weckle

      Bayerisches Wurst Ragout mit Weckle

      At least seven different Sausages, imagine our popular chilled Wurst Salat we serve in Spring, Summer and Fall  steaming hot – a delicacy for not just the cold months.

      Small $3.95, Cup $6.50 and Bowl $8.95

    • Münchener Weisswurst mit süssem Senf

      Münchener Weisswurst mit süssem Senf

      Poached Veal and Pork Sausage with parsley, lemon-zest and sweet Bavarian Mustard
      we recommend a Pretzel roll for the mustard .95

    • Paar Nürnberger Bratwürstel

      Paar Nürnberger Bratwürstel

      A pair of the slim, grilled Franconian link sausage, served with spicy Mustard. In Nürnberg “Im Weckle”, with the Spitzweg Roll   


    • Stein Hour and German Core Menu Classics

      Classic German dishes we are often asked for and have found a hidden place on our always available menu at a regular price.

    • Gulasch Suppe

      Gulasch Suppe

      Spicy Goulash Soup with beef, pork, paprika, onions and peppers. Served in either a cup or bowl.

    • Zigeuner Schnitzel  

      Zigeuner Schnitzel  

      \ts‿iˈgɔy‿nɐ\ Pork Schnitzel is topped with a spicy Paprika Sauce, Red and Green Bell Peppers and Onions and your two favorite sides.

    • Hühner Schnitzel „Cordon Bleu” 

      Hühner Schnitzel „Cordon Bleu” 

      \ˈhyːner kawr-dawn blœ\ A Chicken Schnitzel filled with Black Forest Ham, melted Gruyere and Emmentaler cheeses and two of your favorite sides.

    • Schnitzel „Baden-Baden”

      Schnitzel „Baden-Baden”

      \s(h)nitzel bahd-n bahd-n\  This Pork Schnitzel is topped with half of a poached Pear, Lingonberry-Cumberland Sauce and melted Swiss and Emmentaler cheeses, served with your two favorite sites.

    • Pfeffer Schnitzel 

      Pfeffer Schnitzel 

      \ˈpf‿ɛfɐ\  This Pork Schnitzel is generously covered with coarsely ground Black Peppercorns and served on a Creamy Pepper Sauce and your two favorite sides

    • Curry Knackwurst mit Pommes

      Curry Knackwurst mit Pommes

      We slice a pair of Knackwurst like in Berlin, and top it with homemade Currysauce and Currypowder, best known with French Fries, also available with our "grobe Bratwurst", the coarse grilled Wurst, the Cologne favorite. A German classic and fairly spicy snack.


3. Add a Gewürzgurke, a dill pickle or Lingonberries 1.50
… and to finish your Brotzeit,
enjoy an Kammer Obstler Schnapps



C. Choose a Hitzplotz, the Franconian Flame cake

    • Hitzplotz

      All our tasty Hitzplotz, the traditional Franconian Flamecakes, go great with any of our Bavarian Bier Specialties or a crisp glass of white Wine and are freshly baked to order in about half an hour here in our kitchen. Regular size, large enough for sharing: $18.75 Individual size: $8.75

    • Adler Schinken und Lauch mit Käse

      Adler Schinken und Lauch mit Käse

      Adler Black Forest Ham with Leeks, Onions, Caraway on our Cheese sauce.

    • Lachs mit Spinat und Käse

      Lachs mit Spinat und Käse

      Salmon, Spinach, Onions, Leeks with Gruyere and Emmentaler

    • Pannonia Metzger Schinken und Pilze mit Käse

      Pannonia Metzger Schinken und Pilze mit Käse

      Hungarian boiled Ham with Mushrooms, Onions, Garlic on our Cheese sauce

    • Zwiebel und Lauch mit Käse

      Zwiebel und Lauch mit Käse

      Onions and Leeks with Emmentaler and Gruyere Cheeses

Remember: Let us sign your Stein Club Card for every different Bier you drink here and you will earn your personalized Stein as a Stein Club Member!

Prost – enjoy your Bier!

Deutsche Biere -Your Tour of German Bier

Bavarian Bier is a little different than other beers – back on April 23, 1516 the Bavarian Duke decreed that only four ingredients can be used to brew Bier: Water, Malt, Hops and Yeast. Over the years German brewers have developed different styles. When Germany became united in 1871 the Bavarian Purity law became the law of the land – Older Bavarians drink Helles (light in Color) during the day and Dunkles (dark Bier) after sunset. Many people over ninety have told me that a liter a day keeps the doctor away. Many famous Germans, like Goethe, Luther, Bach, Beethoven, Bismarck and my grandfather, drank Bier as a part of their regular diet.

There are two families of Bier


Lager means lagering or storing a bottom fermented barley brew at low temperatures (33-35 F) for at least ninety days to allow the yeast to settle at the bottom of the barrel and achieve a natural clarity. These are all examples of Lager Biers:

    • Helles: Light, rich golden straw color, medium hopped Bier, refreshing in summer and winter.
    • Pils or Pilsner: Paler than Helles and heavier hopped, named after its birth town. Refreshing!
    • Dortmunder or Export: Lighter and paler than Pils, but rounder with a smoother finish.
    • Oktoberfest or Märzen: Also called Vienna style lager. Copper or amber in color with good malt flavor and hops, over 4% strong, a great Bier to discuss work or the world events with friends – Only Münchener Bier can be called an “Oktoberfest” in Bavaria and Europe, great with our roasted chicken and any cold cut sandwiches.
    • Dunkles: Almost extinct but coming back. Mild and dark with the sweetness and roundness of a Bavarian sunset. Try it with roasted and grilled meats.
    • Bock: 6.5% strong and lagered for 180 days, may be pale or dark, warms you in spring or fall in the Bier-Garten. Flavorful and satisfying, yet naturally smooth.
    • Doppel Bock: The name often ends in … ator. Over 8% strong and lagered for over 200 days, usually sweeter and dark. It’s the best winter warmer or for those cool Texas air-conditioned evenings you spend with friends.


In Germany are either made of barley and wheat and called a “Weizen” (Wheat) or “Weiss” (White) Bier, or they are made the old fashioned way and are called “Kölsch” or “Alt”, both share the warmer fermentation with top fermenting yeasts and the fruitier flavors.

  • Kristall Weizen: Filtered to be clear, a great alternative to “light” beers with much more flavor and finish – Much healthier and still a good serving from the cereal category in your daily food intake. Very refreshing, you may even detect hints of banana or apple flavors.
  • Hefe Weizen: Unfiltered, a little yeast remains in the bottle or the keg and starts a second fermentation. Usually cloudy and fruity. Great in summer as light evening snack or with your dinner.
  • Dunkel Weizen: The use of extra toasted malts enhances color and flavor. Try it on a rainy and cloudy day or on a balmy Texas evening in our Bier Garten.
  • Kölsch: is a light-colored beer that must be brewed in Cologne, Germany. It is unusual because although it is warm fermented with ale yeast, it is then conditioned at cold temperatures like a lager. We offer a variety of sweeter or hoppier brews, great for all seasons. In Germany these are popular along the Rhine. This hybridized brewing process is like some other central northern European beers such as Düsseldorf’s AIt: usually dark with strong flavors of malts and hops.