This Gift Basket was curated with all ages in mind and features some classic German Christmas treats, including either the famous foot warming Gluehwein or a Gift Tin of the famous Munich Dallmayr Prodomo Coffee or a four Pack of Bavarian Bier.
Geschenk Korb = Gift Basket $ 50
This Gift Basket was curated with all ages in mind and features some classic German Christmas treats.
Geschenk Korb = Gift Basket $ 75
This Gift Basket was curated with all ages in mind and features some classic German Christmas treats, including the famous foot warming Gluehwein.
Geschenk Korb Addition mit bayerischem Bier = Gift Basket Addition with Bavarian Beer 4 Pack
This Gift Basket was curated for the the lover of Bavarian Bier, or some German Pils or Schwarzbier. $ 20
Geschenk Korb Addition mit bayerischem Kaffee = Gift Basket Addition with Bavarian Coffee Gift Tin
This Gift Basket was curated for the the lover of this famous Munich Coffee maker. $ 20
Spargelkreme Suppe
Bechtle Spaetzle
Giftbasket Bier
Geschenk Korb Addition mit bayerischem Bier = Gift Basket Addition with Bavarian Beer 4 Pack
This Gift Basket was curated for the the lover of Bavarian Bier, or some German Pils or Schwarzbier. $ 20