The Bavarian Grill Team is committed to sustainability!
Bavarian Grill received a Green Business Certification through the City of Plano’s Commercial Recycling Division in February 2015. We train to sustain! We found it attainable to get and stay sustainable. This requires us to measure, document and report our efforts in these six crucial areas:
General Education for all team members about sustainability
- Waste Reduction
- Energy Efficiency
- Water Efficiency
- Pollution Prevention
- Sustainable Purchasing
- Innovative actions in various other areas to show our commitment to our future generations
Please follow us here as we share with you the steps we are taking on our journey to Certification.
We are concerned about our environment; since 2005 we recycle organics, card board, cans, bottles and plastics #1 & #2 and use power created by wind and hydro – and our beverage to go containers and children’s drink cups are compostable. Plus we are avoiding 99% use of Styrofoam by using paper and corn based cups and ramekins. Now our team is taking the next steps.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Jürgen Mahneke
Bavarian Grill, Inc.
We purchase our electric power from
Source: Renewable Energy – Wind and Hydro
Regions: Texas