President’s Message
Dear Stein Club Members,
Our next Stein Club Meeting will be an entertaining recap of
Seth’s Bavarian Brewery Tours and Culinary Adventure 2018
Wednesday, February 21 at 7 p.m.  Please note, this is off schedule from the normal second Wednesday of the month because it falls on February 14. This is a meeting so there is no need to R.S.V.P. and there is no charge. It will include snacks and Biers.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Our next regular Stein Club Meeting was scheduled for February 14th which of course is St. Valentine’s Day. While we would love for you to spend it at the Grill, we do not want to intrude on any special plans you may have with the one you love. So next month you will get St. Valentine’s Day to spend as you like and we will move our regularly scheduled meeting to following Wednesday, February 21st. Seth is back from his trip to Germany he is planning on giving us an update on the places he went, the new dishes he found, and the biers he tried. I know it will be a great time!
Again, stay warm and we look forward to seeing you soon at the Bavarian Grill
Bill Nelson
President, Bavarian Grill Stein Club