Frühlings Abend Karte – Spring Dinner Menu starts

Event Details

This event finished on 01 March 2023

Schlenkerla Marzen

Schlenkerla Rauchbier MärzenThe smoked Spring Bier

Following the most ancient malting traditions, all its select barley malts are kilned over a fire of beech wood logs at the Schlenkerla maltings. Brewed in classic copper vessels and matured for months in 14th century cellars, Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier is a truly unique smoky beer experience.

Miltenberger Schnitzel mit Grüner Kräuterquark Soße, einem hart gekochtem Ei und Salzkartoffeln

A Spring Classic: Breaded Veal Schnitzel under a creamy Lower Franconian light Green Herb Sauce, close to the Famous Frankfurter “Grüne Soße”, served with Boiled Potatoes and a Hard-Boiled Egg.

Lindauer Geschnetzeltes mit Nudeln, Pilzen und Lauch-Apfelsalat

Sauteed Strips of Veal with Mushrooms in a Brandy Cream Sauce on a tubular Pasta. Served with our fresh Lauch-Apfel Salat: Spring Leeks and Tart Apple in a Tangy Vinegar Dressing

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